Mezquita ceiling
Detail of a ceiling in the Mezquita
Moor and serpent
Grotesque in the shape of a Moor in the coils of a snake
Fishing heron
Grey heron in the Rio Guadalquivir
Barqueta Bridge
Bridge built for Expo '92 by Juan J. Arenas and Marcos J. Pantaleón
Sparks fly at a correfoc at the Festa Major de Gràcia
Mammoth on fire
Fireworks spit from El Mamut Venux
Aeri de Montserrat
Cable car descending from Montserrat
Practice session
Castellers practice in the Plaza de la Vila de Gràcia
Winged rhino
Gargoyle in the shape of a winged monster
Plaça de Verdaguer owl
Restored Rótulos Roura advertising sign on Verdaguer Square
A dragon spits fire during a correfoc in Sants
Alcázar garden
Ornamental pool, gardens of the Alcázar