Gable end
Gable of building at Way Mixay
Hang hod
Sculpted wooden water trough used in ordination ceremonies
Decorative columns on the exterior of Wat In Paeng
Wat Mixay roof
Detail of roof of bòt, Wat Mixayaram
Painted naga head at Wat Mixay
Naga emerging from the mouth of a sea monster
Seven-headed naga
Decorative naga sculpture at Wat Hai Sok
Wat Mixayaram
Building at Wat Mixayaram and flowering bougainvillea
Carved monkey figure at Wat Mixay
Photographs of decorative carvings from wats in Laos.
Photographs taken in the city of Vientiane, the capital of Laos.
A small collection of photographs of sculpted objects from temples in Laos.