Saving the mermaid
Mural showing a firefighter rescuing a mermaid
On the balcony
A man relaxes on the balcony of his house
Córdoba Cathedral
Façade of Nuestra Señora da la Asuncion
Yellow flowers
Pastureland on Península Valdés
Lago Llanquihue
View of Lago Llanhuique from Volcan Osorno
The Inca Trail
Pre-Columbian roadway beyond Sayacmarca
Looking towards Llupachayoc on the Inca Trail
White chullpa
Crude chullpa made of white chalk
Agricultural terracing
Terraces for cultivation at Machu Picchu
Plaza de Armas
The Plaza de Armas at Arequipa
Caleta Valdés
View of coastline at Caleta Valdés
Costa Verde
View towards the Costa Verde from near Ilha Grande