Gharial resting on a mudbank
Sinai agama
A male Sinai agama lizard basking
Elongated Tortoise
Tortoise crossing a jungle path
Decorative figure on a column, Wat Arun
Mailbox by Juyol
Mailbox by Alfons Juyol, on the Casa de l'Ardiaca
Crocodiles at the St Lucia Crocodile Centre
Iguana, probably Ctenosaura similis
Indo-Chinese Forest Lizard
Head of a small agamid lizard (Calotes mystaceus)
Yoganarendra Malla
Seated statue of King Yoganarendra Malla with cobra
Head of a partially-submerged mugger
Temple and iguana
View of the Templo del Dios del Viento from the south
American crocodile
American Crocodile sunning itself on a mangrove branch
Photographs of animals from KwaZulu Natal in South Africa, including zebras, giraffes, crocodiles and more.
A small gallery of photographs taken in Chitwan, Nepal.
A small gallery of underwater photographs taken in the Perhentian Islands, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Photographs from the Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur, an ecological reserve in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires.