Man and woman waiting together
Window view
A woman looks out of a window in Jaipur
Hats for sale in the old city
Houses and stores in the old city
Building site
Women carry construction materials on a building site
Woman sorting grain
Woman in a yellow sari
View along exterior wall at Amber
Sadhu in red
Red-robed sadhu at the Amber Fort
Interior courtyard at Amber Fort
Crossed arms
A man watches passing traffic in Jaipur
Locksmith working on the street
Group of women
Women in colorful saris walk across a courtyard
A small gallery of photographs taken in Rajasthan, India, including Jaipur and Amber.
A small collection of photographs from the fort at Amber, Rajasthan, India.
A small collection of photographs of people from Rajasthan, India.
A small collection of photographs from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.