
Pages and images tagged 'protesters'


Results 13-24 of 28

Congreso de la Nacion
An elderly man reads protest messages outside the Congress building
Riot gear
NYPD officers in riot gear
Smiling policeman
An NYPD officer smiles during a protest
On lamppost
Protester waving flags
“Abolish ISA”
Graffiti calling for an end to the Internal Security Act
Riot police
Police with shields and helmets in Whitehall
Riot cop
Young police officer in riot gear
Plaza de Mayo
Protest camps in the Plaza de Mayo
Final inspection
An NYPD lieutenant reviews police officers after a demonstration
Female officer
Female police officer wearing visored helmet
Museo Histórico
View of the Museo Histórico Nacional del Cabildo y la Revolución de Mayo, Plaza de Mayo
Three cops
Three officers in riot gear at Occupy Wall Street protest