Water buffalo and boy
Child with water buffalo by the river
Wat Xieng Thong
View of the bòt, Wat Xieng Thong
Wat Mixay roof
Detail of roof of bòt, Wat Mixayaram
Statue in niche, upper level of Wat Phu complex
Painted naga head at Wat Mixay
Dok jampa
Reservoirs at Wat Phu seen through a screen of plumeria branches
Wat Xieng Thong
Rear of the bót at Wat Xieng Thong
Monks washing at evening
Monks on the shore of the Mekong
Carved monkey figure at Wat Mixay
Gilded stupa
Gilded stupa at Wat Chom Si
Young monks at the Bun Wat Phu festival
Haw Pha Bang
Buddhist temple in the Haw Kham (Royal Palace)