
Pages and images tagged 'ice'


Results 1-6 of 6

Pancake ice
Pancake ice and wooden piling
Ice-covered waterwheel and view over the Hudson
Small girl with ice lolly
Ice seller
Ice-seller's shop, Rua Visconde de Maranguape, Lapa
Central Park ice
Buildings on Park Avenue reflected in frozen pond
Frozen lake
Lake and causeway near Col de la Vanoise


Results 1-5 of 5

A small collection of photographs of rivers and waterways in the New York area.
A small gallery of photographs of daily life taken in Kathmandu, Nepal.
A small collection of photographs from the Parc National de la Vanoise in the Rhône-Alpes region of France.
A small collection of photographs from Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil.
A small collection of photographs of reflective surfaces - glass, water, ice - in the New York area.