Distant hills
Looking east in the Sierras Grandes
Dirt road
Dirt road at dusk near Las Rabonas
Sierras Grandes de Córdoba
View east from the mountain road to Córdoba
La Cañada
View along la Cañada
Córdoba Cathedral
Façade of Nuestra Señora da la Asuncion
Cabildo courtyard
Interior courtyard of the Cabildo de Córdoba
Clouds over the sierras
Clouds over the mountains near Las Rabonas
Interior of Córdoba Cathedral
View towards the altar of the cathedral
Centro Cívico
Centro Cívico del Bicentenario reflected in the adjacent pool
Pewter mugs
Chased maté mugs for sale
Mezquita ceiling
Detail of a ceiling in the Mezquita
Statue in the gardens of the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos
Photographs from Córdoba, Córdoba province, Argentina.
A small gallery of photographs from Córdoba province, Argentina.
Photographs from the Sierras Grandes de Córdoba, Córdoba province, Argentina.
A small collection of photographs from Cordoba, Spain.