Root => Sentence1 Sentence2 Sentence3 Sentence4 Sentence5 Sentence1 => "No one would have believed, in the last" TimeUnit "of" TimePeriod ", that" WatchableThingPhrase "being watched from" Location ".\n\n" Sentence2 => "No one could have" ConsiderVerbPast "that" CompSentence2 ".\n\n" Sentence3 => "Few" GroupOfPeople "even considered the" ChanceWord "of" Possibility ".\n\n" Sentence4 => "And yet, across the" VastDistance ", minds immeasurably" ComparativePhrase "ours regarded" RegardedObject "with" RegardingObject ".\n\n" Sentence5 => "And slowly and surely, they" Activity ".\n" TimeUnit => ["months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "femtoseconds", "instants"] TimePeriod => ["the nineteenth century", "the summer vacation", "World War I", "Parliamentary Question Time", "the Mesozoic", "Lord Justice Fauntleroy's summing up", "the World Series"] WatchableThingPhrase => SingularWatchableThing "was" WatchableThingPhrase => PluralWatchableThing "were" SingularWatchableThing => ["the Stock Market", "the human race", "the Cheltenham Derby"] SingularWatchableThing => CelebrityName "'s" LeftOrRight HumanBodyPart PluralWatchableThing => ["we", "human affairs", "television soaps"] Location => ["the timeless worlds of space"] Location => SubLocation "in" BritishPlaceName Location => SubLocation "near" BritishPlaceName "services" Location => "a yacht moored in" BritishPlaceName "harbour" Location => "the top of the" TallBuilding SubLocation => ["a public lavatory", "a Portakabin", "an abandoned porta-potty", "a disused post-office", "a duck blind", "a salvage yard"] BritishPlaceName => ["Islington", "Cheam", "Charnock Richard", "Milton Keynes", "Chipping Norton", "Newcastle", "Camden", "Tolpuddle", "Aberystwyth"] TallBuilding => ["Empire State Building", "Eiffel Tower", "World Trade Center", "Sears Tower", "Burj Khalifa"] CelebrityName => ["Sylvester Stallone", "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "Keanu Reeves", "Donald Trump", "The Bishop of Bath and Wells", "Yasser Arafat", "Taylor Swift", "Beyoncé", "Madonna", "Boris Johnson", "Jared Kushner", "Ivanka Trump", "The Pope", "Ronald Reagan", "Margaret Thatcher", "Boris Johnson", "Scarlett Johansson", "Gal Gadot", "Jared Leto", "Vladimir Putin"] LeftOrRight => ["left", "right"] HumanBodyPart => ["ear", "nipple", "thigh", "ventricle", "cheek", "buttock", "kneecap", "kidney"] ConsiderVerbPast => ["dreamed", "imagined", "suspected"] CompSentence2 => "we were being" WatchVerbed WatchQualifier CompSentence2 => PersonOrNation "would win the Eurovision Song Contest" CompSentence2 => Person "would be awarded the Nobel Prize for" AcademicSubject CompSentence2 => Person "would be elected" TopPost CompSentence2 => Person "would fail to be elected" TopPost CompSentence2 => "there would be a coup in" Nation CompSentence2 => "affordable knee insulation would become a reality" CompSentence2 => DirePunishment "would be reintroduced" AcademicSubject => ["Physics", "Medicine", "Biology", "Botany", "Basket-Weaving", "Acupuncture"] PersonOrNation => Person PersonOrNation => Nation Person => CelebrityName Person => "a" Nationality Nationality => ["Norwegian", "Bolivian", "Russian", "Latvian", "Canadian"] Nation => ["Canada", "Norway", "Egypt", "Australia", "Swaziland", "Botswana", "Latvia", "Bolivia", "Great Britain", "Tristan da Cunha", "Iraq", "Iran", "Russia", "Belgium"] TopPost => ElectedOfficial "of" Nation TopPost => ElectedOfficial TopPost => ["dogcatcher", "ombudsman", "president of the PTA", "Man of the Year", "Woman of the Year", "Pope"] ElectedOfficial => ["President", "Prime Minister", "Chief Vizier", "Vice-President", "Lord High Executioner", "Grand Poo-Bah"] DirePunishment => ["National Service", "flogging and branding", "drawing and quartering", "transportation for life", "the birch", "tonsillectomy"] WatchVerbed => ["watched", "studied", "examined", "examined", "ogled", "scrutinized"] WatchVerbs => ["watches", "studies", "regards", "scrutinizes", "examines"] WatchQualifier => "by" Watcher WatchQualifier => "as someone with a" WatchDevice WatchVerbs Watchee WatchDevice => ["microscope", "flamethrower", "hangover", "radar-guided portable bootscraper", "glow-in-the-dark frisbee", "bacon sandwich", "personal neutron bomb"] WatchDevice => "boomerang autographed by" CelebrityName Watchee => "creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of" Liquid Watchee => ["man-eating dandelions", "a very small man in a pair of giant red plus-fours", "a Cross-Beam Treadle Valve", "a worryingly psychotic Yorkshire terrier"] Liquid => ["beer", "water", "creosote", "Coca-Cola", "hydrochloric acid", "extra-virgin olive oil", "blood"] Watcher => ["a Cheshire cat", "the men from the Prudential", "talent scouts from Twentieth-Century Fox"] Watcher => "creatures with more than" SmallPluralInteger "heads each" Watcher => "militants from the" Organization Organization => ["Moral Majority", "Socialist Worker's Party", "Campaign to Re-Elect the President", "Donald J. Trump Inauguration Committee", "CIA", "Union of Boilermakers and Pipefitters", "Willy Shovelitt Independent Mushroom Party", "UN High Commission on Refugees", "Symbionese Liberation Army"] SmallPluralInteger => ["two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"] GroupOfPeople => ["people", "men", "women", "left-handed Armenian clergymen", "professional gerbil hunters", "cat lovers", "ornithologists", "astrologers", "university graduates", "regular churchgoers"] ChanceWord => ["possibility", "desirability", "inevitability", "appalling concept", "risk", "necessity", "usefulness", "advantages", "attractiveness"] Possibility => ["life on other planets", "a compact field model droonge projector", "an invasion of killer voles", "eating more than two shredded wheat", "joining the neighbourhood booze-and-knife bust", "being consumed by a custard beast", "spontaneously combusting"] Possibility => CelebrityName "being arrested for soliciting" Possibility => CelebrityName "undergoing liposuction" Possibility => "being allowed to lick" CelebrityName "'s" LeftOrRight HumanBodyPart VastDistance => ["gulfs of space", "void", "Bering Strait", "Gulf of Mexico", "Berlin Wall", "Gulfs of Madras", "Baltic", "M4 near Reading", "M25", "Atlantic Ocean", "Grand Canyon"] ComparativePhrase => ["odd compared to", "stranger than", "weirder than", "more hip and trendy than"] RegardedObject => ["this Earth", "a faded pair of Levi‘s 501s", "their navels", "a young woman living in Kilmardinny Grove in Glasgow", "a pile of remaindered Human League records"] RegardedObject => CelebrityName "’s" HumanBodyPart RegardingObject => ["envious eyes", "several video cameras", "total disbelief", "frank disbelief", "mild disgust"] RegardingObject => SmallPluralInteger "oculars apiece" RegardingObject => "at least" SmallPluralInteger "oculars" RegardingObject => EmotionQualifier Emotion EmotionQualifier => ["ill-concealed", "unrestrained", "uncontrollable", "unfeigned", "undisguised", "unconcealed"] Emotion => ["lust", "awe", "indifference", "envy", "derision", "disgust", "repulsion"] Activity => ["drew their plans against us", "recorded everything", "melted their brains with loud rock music", "solved the ‘Times’ crossword", "sank into a stupor", "succumbed to apathy", "cancelled their ‘Newsweek’ subscriptions", "contracted foot and mouth disease"] Activity => "converted to" Religion Religion => ["Christianity", "Buddhism", "Mormonism", "Pastafarianism", "monetarism", "Catholicism", "Islam", "natural gas"]