Moor and serpent
Grotesque in the shape of a Moor in the coils of a snake
Griffin and knight
Carving of a knight fighting a griffin in the Plaça de Sant Iu
Mailbox by Juyol
Mailbox by Alfons Juyol, on the Casa de l'Ardiaca
Winged rhino
Gargoyle in the shape of a winged monster
Cathedral saints
Carvings of saints decorating Barcelona Cathedral
Saint and dragon
Small carving of a mounted knight killing a dragon
Infant with monster
Gargoyle on the Palau de la Generalitat, Carrer del Bisbe
La Catedral
Distant view of the spire of La Catedral
Grotesque nun
Carved grotesque in the shape of a nun
Spire and statue
View of statue and spire of La Catedral
Barcelona Cathedral
Interior of the Catedral de la Santa Creu i Santa Eulàlia